Friday, 31 August 2012

Heya  readers,
We'll it's been a while since i've last posted but i thought that today I may as well do something...yeah writing a blog entry was all came up with....anyway how you all been? I've been alright but I've had a sad day on wednesday. :( My dog Lucky was put down.... she was such a beautiful labrador.

R.I.P Lucky <3 1998-2012
Best dog ever, she was.

On to another note i'm starting my personal project for school. So i was thinking about writing a novel about three different girls. One a cheerleader, Another a rebel leader, and the last one a princess. They're all suffering issues (bullying, alcoholic parents, ignored, high expectations), the thing that brings them together is a online chat where they start to talk to each. They seek advice. However the catch is they have no idea who the others are...and they all live in the same country. In fact all three suburbs from each other. One big triangle huh? Yes so it's rough right now but i'll work it all out.

So....I'm going to need a title, a cover, to draw images of them, a brainstorm, inspiration???? Anything else?? hmmm.....I could right a blog about it!! lol.

Anyway hope you're all well.
Live life to the fullest.
Georgia. :)

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo August....:(

I have officially given up. Now don't judge me. I got further then last time, but it just got to much. I've gotten to a bit more then 16,000 words which is around four thousand words more then last time. I'm proud but I wish I could finish it, but it's simply not possible with only a week left!! Okay well maybe it is but still!!! I'm really busy. I have a good social life and right now i'm trying to convince my mother to let me go to paris on the french trip now and it's just to much. Hopefully i'll be ready to write 50000 word in NaNoWriMo (national novembre writing month)! So yeah I hope you're all doing better then I am!! :)
<3 Georgia.

Friday, 24 August 2012


This week has been a good one. How was yours? Well I found out my mate had come back from army training, I am doing well and I'm having so much fun. Me and my friends are going out on sunday and I have circus ariel skills on saturday in the morning. You may be wondering what that is? Well just to let you all know it is doing tricks in the air on trapeze, on a rope, a tissue/silk, a cloud swing, a hoop in the air (lyra) or slings. It involves both strength and flexibility. It's so much fun. What do you guys do for fun? 

While I have your attention, I feel I must apologize for not writing. I have been going through a lot. I have a lot of things that i've been caught up with. School projects, breaking up with my boyfriend, acting class, writing stories, etc. 

On a better note. I've started to write songs, i'm unsure how successful i'll be but I giving it a shot. I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel and posting my songs on there?! What do you guys think? If so what should I call it? I'm sure your names would be a lot more creative then mine!

I hope you're all well.

;) Georgia. 

P.S: Please pray for my sisters boyfriend joel, his really sick. :( 

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

QUOTE: If you dig your hole deeper and deeper you're never going to get out....

Monday, 20 August 2012

Quote: Sometimes you've gotta hold a breath and wait until the waves stop crashing over you...

Monday, 11 June 2012

Who's been watching....

Hiya Readers,
Have you guys been watching the voice australia?? Well if not you have been missing out on heaps!!! Check out some of my favourite singers from the show below. Now! Why are you still reading this watch the videos!!

Sarah De Bono:

Prinnie Stevens:

These are two of my favourites. Now you see what you are missing out on!!
Anyway i'm going to go back to watching the voice now and you should watch it too!! 

Week 2 NaNoWriMo Camp update.

Ah my fellow readers, bloggers, fans, goblin oh yeah and you zefron poster, I am behind in my NaNoWriMo so far I have 7.6K and am meant to have 18k that's 10K behind. AHHHH. 

Anyway what are you up to?
Do you need to word war? 
Don't know where to word war? Why not try It's just like Inkpop used to be but has yet to go premium. I know the creator and he is trying desperately to get it there so please donate and help out. 
Anyway hope you are all doing okay. It's winter here and i'm freezing my arse off. I'm just blabbing on and on...i'm going to go write. So...
Thanks for reading. 
Georgia xoxo

Thursday, 7 June 2012

NaNoWriMo Camp June - Week 1 is up

Week one of NaNoWriMo Camp June is finished. So far everyone should have around 11,290 words. Unless you're me and only have got around six-thousand. *Frowns and sighs* I know, I know i'm behind but I thought today would be the day I would tell you all my tips and tips of other writers I know for NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo Camp.

Here they are:
-Word War with other writers.
-Write at around 1000-2000
-Sit down and just do it
-Listen to inspirational music
-Think of an idea and brainstorm
-Plan or Don't Plan
-Use your own style
-Write what your comfortable with

When I decided to try it I was inspired to write something. I thought of planning but i decided it would be best to see where it went with a vague image in my head.

Anyway I hope you are all well.
Georgia - xoxo

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Not Every Love Story Is a Happy One...

My life changed for the better when i met a guy named Dean. He made me so happy and we were best of friends. He past away last week and is why i have struggled to write something.
I don't want to write something sad but nothings. No emotion. Nothing. Just blank, emptiness.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Anzac Day Experience!

Hey readers,
                This morning i woke up at 5:20am to be in town by 5:45am for the Anzac Day dawn services. It was cold, so i snugged down in my trackies, a jumpy, my cow socks and my pink beanie. Which is strange cause i don't really like the color pink, is too blah.
                The service itself was beautiful. Children, scouts, police, firefighters, etc all placed their decretive and hand made wreaths out on the remembrance stone and said their thanks. With a beautiful poem read out from the high school captains and more. A morning of remembrance and thanks.
                The only down part was my blood sugar level got so low my eyes rolled back into my head and i was about to faint. Lucky my mums a nurse and came to the rescue. So i was alright in the end, but i was so scared when it happened.
                Hope you are all having a great day.
G-<3 xoxo

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Hillywood Show®

Do u like epic Parodies of films and tv shows; as well as reenacted celebrities and characters. Check out Hannah and Hilly Hindi, two young females, film productions/a show that is/are tv worth and very well done. With lip singing, dancing, voice overs and acting, they are bound to continue with their work. Heres one of there latest parodies. The hunger games:

Along with bloopers and other clips. The Hillywood Show® are making new episodes and clips everyday. With planning, costume hirer and making, they have a very busy schedule. Including tours, song recordings and production filming. 

Don't miss out on the exciting show. Go to there website today, or look them up on youtube!!

Unfortunate Events...

In life many unfortunate events happen. The lose of a friend, a loved one and a pet. Today, my family lost one of our female miniature dachshunds, Milly, to cancer. It was unexpected and brought great sadness to the family. "A great birthday present dachshund ever" were my eldests sisters parting words. Buried in the ground, under one of her favorite trees, we said our goodbyes.

"May you rest in peace Milly dog!" 

What was hardest for me wasn't mine or my families goodbyes but rather when Lucky, our labrador, growled at me as if to say 'you took her away from us'. It broke my heart to see a 14year old dog saying goodbye to her mate, as well as Millies daughter Tammy and new labrador puppy Boots saying goodbye too. 

I'll always love you Milly dog. 

G-<3 xoxo

Saturday, 21 April 2012

The Hunger Games!

A thrilling book. A stunning movie. Gets your hear puming. I loved it. I would see it agian. Great Book.

We've all heard these comments about the best selling book "The Hunger Games!". Well now it's a movie. It's rating is hard to come by with it still N/A in australia and many other countrys. Some have gone to far and said it's horrific. Is it really that horrific or is it just mild volience? Well i'm going to take u behind the scenes of the book, cast and the movie.

"The Hunger Games" is one book/movie in a triology book series written by telvision writer and novelist Suzanne Collins. Published on September 14, 2008, it slowly made it's way to glory. With it's captiving words written in the voice of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, it's hard not to get stuck in your own little world. With the metropolised Capital, struggling Districts and characters descriptied as courgeous it's no wonder so many readers have praised it so highly. The movie itself follows, for most of it, the book. With a train ride to the Capitol and a terrifying game instore for the district champions.

"Catching Fire" is the second book in the triology. Now i'm not going to tell u much detail for those who haven't read the book or are waiting to see the next movie, but...u will be taken surprise by the last line spoken. With new relationships and twsit, rebillion is on the way once agian. Read blurb here:

"The Mojicking Jay" is the finial book in this thrilling triology. It's heartwrenching, mind blowing and a lot of mixed feelings. Will they finial get the peace they so desperatly want or will it end in tears? Read and find out. ^_^ Read blurb here:

Have no clue what i'm on about watch the trailer on the right to get a taste for what you're missing out on!

Cast: Info from wikipedia

With two hotties such as Josh Hutcherson and Australia's own Liam Hemsworth, what girl wouldn't want to see this movie? ^_^

Overall the Movie creatics gave it: a 7/10 and a 7.6/10.

G-<3 xoxo

P.s: If u got a question or something u want to know ask!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

The Logies!

The Logies...the trophy everyone wishes to win...their aim...their wish...their dream. To be nominated, to be voted for, and to win. 

Dear Readers,

If you missed the logies last night you missed out on a fun night. One direction started the night with a live performance of their song "That's what makes you beautiful". Followed by our hosts, etc. Many acts lite up the night from Delta Goodrem, Flo Rida, One Direction, Seal, and lots more. It was a night of great entertainment and fun.

The winner of the GOLD logie was Hamish Blake. He was so excited and gave an extra long speech. Here's his reaction and long speech (Must warn u it's not as funny as i thought it would be):

Now not only did Hamish win the GOLD logie he also won with Andy the "Popular Light Entertainment loggie. Here's there short speech:

Now don't worry if u missed out on the live entertainment of last night. I 've done some research for u all and have been kind enough to post the clips below. Enjoy them!! G-<3 xoxo!

Friday, 9 March 2012


A/N: This could show a strong girl final breaking into one of her high school persuers. 

Hey Readers,
Okay so this may seem pointless to some readers but this has been a big help for me. Anime! Yes i'm talking about the cartoon drawing Tv-Shows you find on the Tv, such as: One Piece, Sailor Moon, etc. 
All they may seem pointless to most people but they can help you with writing. 
Anime teaches us how people can move, act and accomplish things in a story line. They show us that a rubber man is possible or how a teenage girl can have the power of the moon. They show us how people show their emotions and that you can't really make some have no feelings at all. Even the toughest of tough people eventually break down and so does your character. At some point they will break and struggle to play the tough character they have portrayed in the story before hand. 
So go and watch Anime and learn the lessons on how to make your character more life like. 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Comments and Reviews.

Getting people to comment and review on your work is a hard one.
Some of the problems we occur are: people just say random shit and don't actually read our work, don't receive helpful info, etc. 
So what do we do to get reviews and comments well here are some tips i have for you: 
1) join a website like figment or wattpad where it's in a safe environment where people can't steal your ideas. 
2) Write a forum request asking to do a swap (i read your work and in return you read mine)
3) Ask a family member to proof read your work
4) Send your first to chapters to an editor who will tell you if your ready or not.
5) re-read, re-read, re-read their is always something more you can do to get your readers more interested. 
6) Get out there and ask people. 

You might not make it in the writing world but you might just met some nice people on the way. 
xoxo - G 

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Book Clubs Are Not Just Reviewing!

Hey Readers,
Well we all have that little bit of passion about reading but sometimes there is more to a book club then just reviewing and reading books.

Yes, there is more!!

When i joined figment i found daily book clubs that gave you prompts each day for your own work! Also book clubs where they read your short story/novel/poem/etc for free. All you have to do is find a book club that suits you or one you like.

What is in a book club: reading, reviewing, getting ideas, writing your own books, learning you words, expanding your understanding of english, etc.

By just reading a slightly harder book you learn new ways to write and improve your own writing. You can't just write a fabulous book out of no where. So join your local or online book club today!!


Saturday, 3 March 2012

Hello Figment!

Have you made the change over? Well i sure have. 

Figment was very welcoming to inkies. They gave us our own private group for previous inkpopers to join, let us keep our reviews, etc. 

Guess what? They even made it easy to find your fellow friends!!

Now i'm not saying figment is as good as inkpop because it's not and it still has a lot of work but it will be. It will probably be even better when it gets it's iphone app, mobile version, getting rid of cut & paste problem and more that they have promised to fix and give. Isn't that exciting!! 

Well if you aren't an ex-inkie (what we call ourselfs now causes there is no inkpop) become a figgie:

Hope to see you all soon. 

Inkpop No More

He ye he ye inkpopie is deadie...okay i guess i really need to stop with trying to be cool. 

On the 1st March our dear website inkpop closed down :( many were brought to tears...sobbing in their sadness. To think that this amazing website had brought us to a standard beyond belief and got our work noticed. 

Inkies all over the world are proud to be an inkie. 

Inkpop brought us up. Taught us that are work was worth writing and that if it was super dooper amazing it would be noticed and maybe published. 

However now it shut down, smashed, ka-put and there is nothing we can do about it. 

We've had difficult times such as: lose of badges, new layouts, picks, watchlists, etc, but now it is the worst. It's gone forever. 

In tribute to Inkpop we say one finally "We Love You!" as if we were screaming at one direction as they walked down the red carpet. 

Good luck fellow inkies-G <3