Monday, 11 June 2012

Who's been watching....

Hiya Readers,
Have you guys been watching the voice australia?? Well if not you have been missing out on heaps!!! Check out some of my favourite singers from the show below. Now! Why are you still reading this watch the videos!!

Sarah De Bono:

Prinnie Stevens:

These are two of my favourites. Now you see what you are missing out on!!
Anyway i'm going to go back to watching the voice now and you should watch it too!! 

Week 2 NaNoWriMo Camp update.

Ah my fellow readers, bloggers, fans, goblin oh yeah and you zefron poster, I am behind in my NaNoWriMo so far I have 7.6K and am meant to have 18k that's 10K behind. AHHHH. 

Anyway what are you up to?
Do you need to word war? 
Don't know where to word war? Why not try It's just like Inkpop used to be but has yet to go premium. I know the creator and he is trying desperately to get it there so please donate and help out. 
Anyway hope you are all doing okay. It's winter here and i'm freezing my arse off. I'm just blabbing on and on...i'm going to go write. So...
Thanks for reading. 
Georgia xoxo

Thursday, 7 June 2012

NaNoWriMo Camp June - Week 1 is up

Week one of NaNoWriMo Camp June is finished. So far everyone should have around 11,290 words. Unless you're me and only have got around six-thousand. *Frowns and sighs* I know, I know i'm behind but I thought today would be the day I would tell you all my tips and tips of other writers I know for NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo Camp.

Here they are:
-Word War with other writers.
-Write at around 1000-2000
-Sit down and just do it
-Listen to inspirational music
-Think of an idea and brainstorm
-Plan or Don't Plan
-Use your own style
-Write what your comfortable with

When I decided to try it I was inspired to write something. I thought of planning but i decided it would be best to see where it went with a vague image in my head.

Anyway I hope you are all well.
Georgia - xoxo